2020 has been a WHIRLWIND to say the least and I know, personally, I just always want to know what’s going to happen next. There has been so much uncertainty over the last 9 months and it’s getting kind of exhausting. Right? Now here we are on October 1st in a crisp 102 degree day in Los Angeles. Apparently, the weather didn’t set a reminder to make our leaves change color or make it bearable to drink a HOT pumpkin spice latte. Even the weather is unpredictable! Aren’t we supposed to be carving pumpkins and counting down the days until Thanksgiving and the holidays?
Which leads me to my next point. We’ve been receiving so many questions about what is coming next for MASONgrey. New prints? New styles? When can I start my Christmas shopping? So, in an effort to provide you with some certainty, some predictability and something to look forward to, we have created a timeline from now until the end of the year! Seriously, we are showing you what our team sees internally (except ours is on a messy white board calendar and your version was designed graphically). You’ll have to use your imagination until we start the sneak peeks, but all I can say is, it’s going to be so good. We will be introducing new styles, new categories and new prints. Be sure you are following us on Instagram and are signed up for our email newsletter to get ALL the deets.